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Friday, May 1, 2009

Walpurgisnacht Celebrations

(( pssst note to the Duke here is one you forgot!! ))
Walpurgisnacht Celebrations
Indeed was held at the Consulate of Europa Head Quarters in Kittiwickshire
It was with out a doubt an evening of dance and revelry
as House Wulfenbach did celebrate Walpurgisnacht.
In Germany Walpurgisnacht is an old Pagan celebration of Spring Eve, in much the same way
as Samhain or Hallowe'en is the the precursor to Autumn and the heralding of Winter.
Goethe's Faust makes reference to the witches celebrating Walpurgisnacht atop Brocken Mountain and Disney's Fantasia famously depicts a version of Walpurgisnacht in the Night on Bald Mountain scene.
Umm k .. that's what it was .. As I cheerfully arrived .. All were most friendly.
The dance pose balls were a tad tricky at first !!
It was quite the ring of fire .. The Baron went on a bit the wonderful New Bigger mountain Edward had built .. whoops I missed taking a photo .. (sorry Baron !)

The Duke was all buff as a .. Demand of sort .. just something he *said* he had in inventory !
umm k . Anyway ... His Play was thoughtful fun and quite entertaining as always !!!
Thank YOU Edward great Job as always !!
I thought I saw Dickens begging for change but it was a long day and late at night ..
The group dancing around the fire grew and grew and May Day did arrive .. (( in my time zone at least .. not sure about the west coast .. i think they made it alright !! )) in time of course
All Kidding aside the costume and characters where great fun !!

It was an all star Line Up .. all were welcomed and joined in to bring in the rights to May !
Miss Jed stopped by .. had a good dance and some fun !
(sure she knew where she was and what was going too I am sure !! ))
I have to admit the music and company and spirits made the event a great deal of fun !!

Miss Elle arrived yay !! and mermaid danced the night away !!
Thank You so much to the Remarkable Duke and Consulate Grand
Wonderful turn out and dynamic event who Knew ???
see ya next year !!
Gee makes me think about my two year rez day on Halloween ..
fiddle dee I have loads of time to think about something to top that !!

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