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Monday, July 20, 2009

New Babbage RFL 2009= Imagine !!

Awards Listings for 2009 RFL
Skyler Lynne Milestone:
Most Inventive Campsite Fundraising Award
1 Armada Fights Back
2 United Forces Against Cancer
3 New Babbage
RFL Best Theme Decorated Campsite Award
1 V-Innovations
2 New Babbage RFL
3 Eternal Beacon
Best Designer build :
new babbage
by Headed by
Reitsuki Kojima
Most Laps walked :
Jaraziah Lowell (23.54 laps)
I would like to give Kudos to Armada and the other winners !
I also would like to give a huge mention and congrats to Steelhead the passion and strength they showed and gave amazing !!!
these communities are of interest to me as I belong to them !!
Steelhead staying on the track for 24 hours was outstanding !!
the team work and builds to be commended !
The fact that New Babbage has been through so much this entire year
This was an extra grand surprise to we ,None of knew there was to be awards
nor ever won one or heard of winning one .. for RFL .
1) this was first and for most a good size team a community effort old and new working together
and it showed !!
2) there was so much passion on those 32 sims with close to 130 teams building
It was and still is quite a humble experience , an honor to be part of !

Thank YOU Loki !!!!!
Dear Loki thanks to YOU ......Because of You and your own heart...... This will live for ever !!

gosh I loved this surprise !!! grins ...clever Rei !

Clever steam cycle Mr Cleanslate

so how long ya going to be cute and adorable ??? what do ya mean you dont know ?
indeed our communityand Steam matters first always !!!!
but Edward nothing else has the same ticking as you !!
A community with steam in any World ...
Almost time to take to the track !!!

All ready for my first (( caregiver )) Lap !!

thank YOU to our wonderful merchants !!

Mars New Babbage Designer Sim 2009

Imagine New Babbage Camp Site RFl 2009

Thank You REI and AE .. I think we did real good & work well together Guys

A special thank You to my close friend Dr.Fabre (smiles)

The Relay closed with the song Imagine
The name of the New Babbage 2009 RFL sim was Imagine ....
I am a humble visionary and i was allowed to be the 2009 RFL team capt!!

I loved the expierance !!

Breezy Carver New Babbage 2009 RFL Captain

Imagine .. grins..... twirlssssssssssssssssssssss away :)

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