ah and this is a fun one ... grins... now now don't let the name scare you
instead I hope it raises an eyebrow or two ........
and the key ladies .. details details details ...
this simple plus day ware is just too fun !!!!
be it ,the three tops ((corset , blouse and jacket))
the two Prim Skirts short or long
The stockings,cuffs and gloves, bows for the garters .. The clever detailed bow bustle
I ask you all ,what's not to Love ????
how about available in five wonderful Delicious shades
Blue, Red, Purple, Pink and Green
Did I mention
Two sets of stockings. garter bows and lace , two different length skirts
details details details Ladies ..
When it comes to Miss Kembri
its all about the detail and fun creative style of the period gown
she chooses to bring on to the grid !!!
The Bustle bow and lace on each gown is just over the top creative and fun !!
Let's not forget ....glitch pants and or skirt ....more on that at end from the designer *wink*
A perfect look for a Victorian woman's day ware .. A longer version for shopping
and a shorter one to have fun or better yet work in Ladies ...
In this case meet Stormy .. grins He does need and enjoy some tending ..
Let's not forget ....glitch pants and or skirt ....more on that at end from the designer *wink*
A perfect look for a Victorian woman's day ware .. A longer version for shopping
and a shorter one to have fun or better yet work in Ladies ...
In this case meet Stormy .. grins He does need and enjoy some tending ..
pfft then he be a good loyal and all Male ,and only a Lady, honest and true enough to wear
smiles .. devil's cloth .. knows the pun intended there ..
But as Stormy has just suggested ... let me present some words
from Enchanting Most delightful designer herself
((well yes it's second life of course the horse can talk ))
"Greetings and thank you for purchasing this gown!
Now I know you're probably thinking, 'Kembri, what in the heck is Devil's Cloth?'
It's stripes! No really, I'm going to quote something here so bear with me! "
smiles .. devil's cloth .. knows the pun intended there ..
But as Stormy has just suggested ... let me present some words
from Enchanting Most delightful designer herself
((well yes it's second life of course the horse can talk ))
"Greetings and thank you for purchasing this gown!
Now I know you're probably thinking, 'Kembri, what in the heck is Devil's Cloth?'
It's stripes! No really, I'm going to quote something here so bear with me! "
"Pastoureau describes the medieval period's tendency to use stripes to identify those viewed as outcasts in society, including: serfs, the condemned, prostitutes, jugglers, clowns, hangmen, Jews, lepers, cripples, "bohemians, and heretics. The negative, or evil, stripe also appears in iconography and literary texts, worn by: treacherous knights, adulterous wives, disloyal brothers, cruel dwarves, greedy servants, Lucifer, the madman of the Book of Psalms, and Judas. A fascinating illustration included in the book, from a mural in Italy painted around 1340, depicts three young women condemned to prostitution saved by Saint Nicolas -
"all three in striped garments. In 1254, when monks of the Carmelite Order returned from the Holy Land in striped cloaks, scandal broke out - they were ridiculed and accused of being in league with the Antichrist. The wearing of striped habits for all religious orders was banned. In 1310 a 'cobbler said to be a cleric' was sentenced to death for being married and being "caught in striped clothes"
"The Devils Cloth"
"The Devils Cloth"
A History of Stripes
By Michel Pastoureau (translated by Jody Gladding)
Washington Square Press, 128 pages
Reviewed by Cameron Norrie
My sister, Ghilayne, was talking to me and I was having issues trying to name this gown. She suggested the name, then pointed me at the book! You must love sister's who share a passion for history and textiles! So this very fun, lovely, brightly striped gown is made of Devil's Cloth in Green!
I hope you enjoy the gown. I've included a modest black blouse for those who wish it, but you really don't need to wear it if you don't want too. The lack of any kind of drawers or panties is intentional. After all, this IS a Devil's cloth gown!
There are glitch pants though, so your virtue is somewhat safe. Enjoy!
Cordially yours,Kembri Tomsen
The Curious Seamstress
of Green Wood Designs"
A Lady through and Through ..With each selection she includes a personal note about the design and its origin and period design.. think of it a wee bit of a history lesson at your very own fingertips ..
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