Breezy was just minding her own ,out for a stroll on March Winds Day .. when she heard
"The Love Lace Statues" in Babbage Square .. ..whispers ......Seems
((They do keep and eye on The New Champagne Rooms... who knew!))
"Designing Worlds Returned to New Babbage to Explore Burlesque!"They were gong on and on .. .. something about :Last October, the Designing Worlds teams visited New Babbage to explore the amazing new underground railway system ..
but things went terribly wrong when they were party to the discovery of the cellars of a long-forgotten Asylum, and its dark secrets. Elrik and Saffia were lucky to escape with their lives that time – but, nothing daunted, So They indeed returned to New Babbage to investigate the phenomenon of burlesque.
"Designing Worlds Returned to New Babbage to Explore Burlesque!"
The Orginal Live Viewing was @ Piermont
with a lovely "well Behaved"viewing audiance
Imagine !!
But nooo Worries
all can view again and soon
Don't Miss this exciting and Fun Episode
Do keep and eye out to Catch a Repeat or watch it on line soon :)