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Monday, March 8, 2010

A Dance with House of RFyre *smile*

Oh this blog is a most special Treat .. breezy's mho .... grins
Ladies and Gentlemen allow breezy to present
The House of Rfyre's latest creations for Men and the Ladies
First The ladies ...As Miss Raven has gone beyond on this latest one ..

With so many looks to it ladies Sabine is most Special !!


The ensemble, available for 600L, includes:
1. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Sheer Shirt I
2. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: sheer shirt II
3. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Solid Pattern I
4. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Bodice I
5. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Bodice II
6. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Bodice III
7. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Glitch pants
8. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Glitch pants Short
9. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Stockings
10. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Full Skirt
11. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Headress Veil
12. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Collar
13a. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Cuff Left
13b. !RFyre Sabine Womens Bridal Black: Cuff Right

Sheer Delightful Bliss awaits the Gal that decides to wear Sabine !!!

First a most Special Thank YOU to Dear Doctor Rafael Fabre
for agreeing to model this fantastic new Brocade Black Tux from House of RFyre ...with breezy
It is one of Four new Unique Styles for more see below
RFyre Edouard Men's Tux Brocade Black
Find if being a gentleman is to your pleasing. Four magnificent tuxes, like nothing else on the grid, available now at RFyre.

! RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black
1. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: White Shirt w/Ruffle 2
2. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: White w/Ruffle
3. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Jacket
4. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Pants
5. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: White Gloves
6. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Socks
7. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Tails
8. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black:: Brocade Collar
9. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: White Collar
10a. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Cuff Left
10b. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Cuff Right
11. RFyre Edouard Mens Tux Brocade Black: Chain Front Closure

*smiles* Always a gentleman and quite Modest Dear Rafael !!!
Did Breezy mention .. So most Steamy & Handsome too .. (grins)
((whispers thank YOU Dear))
Soon the Happy Couple arrive the most Beautiful Sky Garden
Located @ The Black Taj
Rafael : " Shall we my Dear" ..
Breezy : *smiles*.... "Oh Yes!"
Notice Rafael's Tux how the tails flow .. and Breezy's RFyre Sabine Gown .. just stunning !
For Rafael & Breezy .. The attire perfect !!!!
The textures and movement always a joy ...
ahh and the company .. grins .. Breezy thinks these captures say it all
Thank YOU darling... for a most enjoyable evening !!!
The designs Outstanding ... The company Magnificent
The location .. delightful !!!
Thank YOU for stopping by cya Next time ...
smiles and waves .. oh and most special twirlssssssssssss

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