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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hollow Earth Underdark ~Land group for Tekeli-li! dark artistry

Hollow Earth Underdark
Some times few words are needed to tell and share a story
I have seen the dark universe yawning
Where the dark planets roll without aim-
Where they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without knowledge or luster or name.
(Land group for Tekeli-li! dark artistry.)
Alone we wait .. ah but really are we ever really alone here beneath The Hollow Earth

Guarding the Beast is not easy , alas always an Honor !!!
Ah Yes The Beast shall be pleased with New Prey ..  *grins*
An image taken by and  from the Nameless Barony ,A Second Life build by Tekelili Tantalus
 Location- Hollow Earth...
Tekeli-li! in Second Life Flickr group -
Any questions/comments IM Tekelili Tantalus

An image taken by and from the Nameless Barony
A Second Life build by Tekelili Tantalus
Location- Hollow Earth Barony
Open Oct 31, 2009
ah for now this creature shall be waiting ..
till next time ..  safe travels where ever they may be ....

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