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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Planning the Wedding Budget

The next step for me was the decided on a budget, I do not want to spend my life savings on the wedding (because if I am honest I'd prefer to run away and get married rather than have a big party for everyone else)!  So I set an amount after a bit of research, and settled on £12k, plus any extra provided by our parents.  The average wedding budget in the UK is £11-12k, and in the US $19.5k (but most spend between 14-25).

I feel it is very important to keep track of the costs because once you start going deeper into the wedding details there is so much you want to include or add and soon you'll be a few thousand over budget, at one point our budget was edging toward £16k!! :O  Because of this though I found lots of way to save on cost which I will share with you all as I take this process!

I used a simple excel spread sheet to keep track of costs, budgeted, deposits, and total spend - I also used this as a list of what needs to be done, and where I had found ideas, plus contact names etc.

If you do a Google search you'll find plenty of wedding planner checklist free to download.

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