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Saturday, January 1, 2011

The SABC 2011 Calenders are Out and available

Happy New Year
what better way to kick it off
Then with a Friendly Reminder
The  SABC 2011   Calenders are Out and available
Shirtless Against Breast Cancer !!
The  SABC 2011   Calenders are Out and available at Many Locations
Five Fabulous Calenders to Pick From
From one for The Ladies and One for The Gentlemen
To Fin and Furs
Yes The Jaegers have their very own !!
and this year .. a Special Surprise from
The Golden Prim
Miss Annechen Lowey and Her Hard Working Team from
 The Consulate of Europa, Wolfenbach,  have done a spectacular Job
in developing and producing  these Fun Collectible Calenders .
Remember all their Proceeds go Direct to Charity ..
(( A Coffee Table Book is on its way ))
Should be out In time for Valentines Day :)
For Now These Fun Calenders are Available from a Single vendor, that holds all five
One simply clicks to the one they wish to purchase ..
Through Out The Steam lands
just to list a Few Locations
((please note there are many more ))
All Six of  The Consulate of Europa , Wolfenbach
Through Out The Steam land Nations

Piermont Landing  New Babbage
The Carrington  Seraph City
The Lotus deep Under The Vernian Sea,  New Babbage
Ruby's Pub  New Babbage Canals
Ruby's Two Port Harbor Steelhead

All Prim Perfect and Designing Worlds Locations


Please note there are more Locations .. time only allowed breezy to collect these lms .
please see friends and picks in world :) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing the most reliable, complete, and up-to-date information about breast cancer. Last year they were able to donate L$30,000 (at last year's exchange rate, that was $120 USD) to the cause. Every little bit helps, and with your help, we can do more this year.

The shots not selected for the calendars will be included in the 2011 coffee-table book, so everyone will be represented somewhere.

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