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Monday, January 3, 2011

Steampunk Jypsy, Winterfell Rose ~ From To a T ~ YaY !

Steampunk Jypsy, Winterfell Rose

Steampunk Jypsy
"Inspired in colors and feeling by the Winterfell sims and Winterfell's emblem, and most importantly, Miss Serra Anansi, I've created a Victorian take on the icon of the independent and free gypsy."
Miss Terry Lightfoot
A most beautiful Steam Ensemble from the Steam Nation's
very own Miss Miss Terry Lightfoot.. We have missed You Miss Terry !!
But as the saying goes "all good things come to those that wait"
grins .. no pressure Miss Terry !!
For this is a lovely collection made with thought from the heart !!

The looks are endless .. Trust Breezy as she played and lost hours taking time
with all the ribbons and coins in looks and twirls ..
she added some boots (( the punk in her ..white of course *wink*))
Then she added some stockings ( The steam you know *smiles*))
lastly a fan . due to the fact she did not have a tambourine with ribbons ..
This ensemble is quite special for a Steamy, kind hearted and true Jypsy of the Grid !!!
hence the Gypsy Kings .. for one feels like a true Princess when wearing and twirling
in Miss Terry's Steampunk Jypsy collection !!!!
The looks are just so much fun .. short or long .. bustle or not ..
with or with pantaloons .. coins .. and Ohhh The Ribbons !!!!
corset ... you say oh yes .. again with or with out ribbons !!!
white blouse .. long sleeves ???
Bolero jackets ??? OF course !! even a choice in White or Purple .. grins ..
many styles on the skirt front Ladies ..
Mix and Match .. Have fun with this .. Just escape in the magical world ..
of creative fun .. This is what Miss Terry is known for ..
The Journey's she takes each one of us in her most creative collections
are most fun and always over the top !!!
Just when One thinks they have played with all the looks ...
Surprise !!! Indeed this ribbon top is just too sweet !!!!
Complete with choker and tie ribbons in the back !!!!
Miss Terry does think of everything ..
Thank YOU Miss Terry !!!
Now in her new beautiful Main Shop location
((still In Caledon :) ))
""This was a Christmas release and it has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas. But that's just how I roll...
This sexy, strong & free gypsy outfit is all about metal, lace and ribbons, and it started out as a FREE outfit (Yes! Get a free version at the Winterfell community center) and then I kept embellishing it. A Steampunk Jypsy outfit with about a TRILLION options for how you might wear it. There's more in the box than on the vendor pic as I couldn't cram that many variations and items into one picture. The full version includes a few extra special items plus many more layers of each item for as many looks as possible. OK, yes. It's got ribbons in common with Christmas; lots and lots of ribbons....
Maybe I'll make a red version for Valentines?
Suggestions for another color welcome.""
Miss Terry Lightfoot
Breezy : Oh Yes Miss Terry Red with Pink and white Ribbons :)
and and Copper with burnt rust and yellow and gold ribbons
for us Steamy Industrial Jypsies !!
Welcome Back Miss Terry Welcome Back !!!

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