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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Letting Go Takes Love!

So as you all know, around the end of last year/beginning of this year me and my H2B had a rough patch and postponed the wedding and took sometime apart to reassess...

We rekindled our love and got back together after only a few weeks, but kept the wedding on the back burner as to not add any unnecessary pressure.  It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all after 5 months back together we were unable to resolve the underlying problem in our relationship and have decided it is for the best to stop trying, as we love each other greatly and wish to keep that feeling, and remember our time together fondly!

So after 4.5 years together I am coming to terms with being single again, no longer with the plans I once had -  home, marriage, babies... as they say what is your 5 year plan, I no longer have an answer to that!

But what I can say is he was my first real love, and will forever hold a special place in my heart.  I wish him the best of luck for the future and hope he finds happiness, and myself, so that one day we can be friends.  For now though I will focus on myself!

I feel no sadness or regret and harbour no bitter feelings, if I have learnt one thing it is that life sometimes is not a fairytale and I would rather we walk away now, than get married and make it worse.  I hope other people who may be reading this and are in a similar situation can take hope that IT WILL BE OKAY.

Type 'love is letting go' into Google and you will come across some great quotes to inspire you!

I still plan to blog about weddings, because even though I am no longer a bride to be, I am still very excited by weddings.

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