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Monday, April 6, 2009

Touche, Pussy Cat *grins* !

alrighty with my special one of a kind sword made for me by my dear friend Canolli complete with pink heart beat handle and ribbon *beams* I was now ready to have my first try at en guard ... ( Thank You Rip and Gus for taking the time to teach me and to Greg for making the time to laugh with we !! ))
*grins* .. please I do hope some enjoy my humor of the little french mouse quite adorable and just fit in my breeze mindset .. Now the hud and the sword is a tad tricky and ao off etc .. but in no time breezy was well on her way ...
take that .. 3 space ..2 space .. parle .. retreat!! .. 5 space attack !!
ok this is fun !!

Gus was quite kind to even let me match point !! This was fun .. of course
Gus won but breezy held her own not bad for first time at the dance .. Indeed

But soon it was time for the Pros and a bit of a photo shoot for the* cough cough*
great big hams they be .. (( just kidding !! ))

I must it admit they had a good match !!
and like good friends congrats at the end
Well done guys till next time !!
ponders (( perhaps they should watch da mouse )) ha !!

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