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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"BlakOpal Designs"

BlakOpal Designs Wearable art, fetish wear, and specialized pieces for men & women
along with gadgets and library materials
Now yes all of New Babbage now Knows of this wonderful Shop
and of Ms. BlakOpal and Trilo ....I am sure ..
This Blog is going to be long and detailed because I have a few things to day
Trilo lets start with Trilo .. Here is the deal be it second life or First Life
One thing I know first hand about Mr Trilo is he is a Promoter, Perhaps one of the best I have ever dealt with !! I have dealt with many trust me over two decades in banquet sales and broadcasting and marketing I do not think I have ever come across the likes of You Trilo !!
Indeed a compliment and anyone who thinks it is easy to do what he does You are kidding yourself .. If you find him annoying and over the top Great That means he is doing his job his passion and profession well !!
Its that simple !!
Now The Divine mysterious always preoccupied Ms Opal ..
This is a star an even brighter one in the making a very bright One at that , ladies and gentlemen
I have watched from a distance and I see her textures her eye and mind but most important each garment is a labor of Love .. Pure Steam High octane Passion if you Please
She does not do the PR .. She is he artist .. she creates and observes It is her passion .
Have I interviewed her? Nope .. Don't have to .. I have been watching ..I admit I have been slighted but you know what I am getting it .. I really am .. In fact I am getting it about a lot of You really !!
But I will say ..careful who one ignores the grid is small and you just never know ..
Be forgiving and care New Babbage is our Home we have it in common and perhaps One of the Best Mayors on the grid that is not in for the money but rather for the Joy !!
Special note to my Dear Friend Meadow McBride her Tesla Toper works so well always !!
That brings me back to Ms Opal and Trilo for sure they want to do well but its not all about the money for them Its about the love of what they do .. It shows in their creations and builds
It shows in the fun they have and share between them ..
The outfit I am doing the blog on is Pure Steam Pure dyanamice fun ..
I know first hand the great lengths they go to together to nail the textures and colors and I appreate it !!
To be honest anyone that buys and wears these suits shall !!
Vanguard Pirate
It is indeed ... Swarthy and Dashing
But is is rich with details colors and textures
available in Black((stunning)), Brown((dazzle)), Blue ((Amazing)) Purple ((Hot)) and Red !! ((Smooth))
I went over the top with photos because well come on this Trilo and Opal folks ...
pardon me if I show just how over the top a SeaBreeze can go
Be it an adventure ,quiet in thought, a meeting or with friends
These suits are stunning .. I always wear my trustrf Ordinal clockwind gun ..
Dynamic and fun !!!
I have said enough let the photos say the rest ...
Hats off to YOU both Ms Opal and Trilo !!!
I give you what I think quite fitting
Procol Harum - Conquistador
grins well it is
Cinco de Mayo

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