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Saturday, June 6, 2009

punjabi wedding ceremonies

the punjabi (hindu) wedding ceremonies can be performed either in the arya samaj or the sanatan dharm way. i have no idea which one is going to be followed in my wedding but i shall soon find out. see the list of ceremonies that are performed according to arya samaj here and according to sanatan dharam here.
oh did i mention that my boyfriend is an Agarwal (agarwalla actually) which means we belong to different castes. I am a Kshatriya where as he is a Vaishya and so when we get married we'll have to take care of the rituals and ceremonies for both the castes.
so here are some of my fundas on the caste system etc...i'm a cultural history buff and love to google/wikipedia all 'origins' related questions that pop up in my head every now and then. once i start it becomes tough to let go and so i'm going to bore you with some of my findings and fundas here.:)
i am aware of the hindu caste system and accept it as a part of our history but i, in principle do not practice or promote it in any way and wouldn't like to do so, although i find the theory of ancient categorisation into 4 varnas truly fascinating! you may read more about it here.
i am also a Proud Punjabi (PP) maybe even a FPP(fiercely proud punjabi). i think punjabis the world over rock and know how to enjoy their lives to the fullest. i typed in a few words and i found more reason to think and believe like i do already:)!!
more on the punjabi wedding customs and rituals here.
these images above are from an old blog entry from my other blog AND ANOTHER where i talk about textiles, my love for all things indian, home interiors and design inspirations.

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