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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

As some Doors Close and Then Oh WoW !!!

A moment if YOU please for this blog was to be a tribute to some old friends ..
Three Sims are closing that are very dear to many of we ...
Crimson Shadow Rezzable - The Tunnel of Lights- Carnival of Doom
"I don’t know what else to say. These are some of most creative and interesting “dark” builds in Second Life. Pay them a visit while you still can, and while you’re at Crimson, check out Tox1c’s work on these amazing wings. They drip blood and quote Byron (though you can turn both features off, but who would?). "
What is second Life .. some who do not have a clue consider it to be a second life ..
hardly .. that would be .. well who the heck wants another whole life ..
As a person who pays for "hobby" it is just that a 'hobby" of the and for the mind where creative and verbal contact open the doors of one's mind and soul to help expand and open horizons ..
Sure some folks are gifted enough to make a living out of these grids
(( who put the hours into it and the time ))
and some of we are most touched with dear friendships !!!!
But sooner or later one has to turn it all off and and I quote Live their own lives .. I like to think that when one has a happy and stable real life it makes for a better and happier more stable second life experience ..
Breezy does not do loss of any kind well .. it Hurts .. due to being lets say passionate ..Sensitive ... caring.. sentimental .. but it is also these emotions that make her the character
and real life person she is .. trust me not all get it .. Its not act .. its not about drama it is about passion and caring for people and causes .. always has been :)
I was thrilled when Mara joined me at the Carnival of Doom .. We did come across a shady fellow ..
a memory neither of us shall ever forget !!!
In no time Mr Merryman (( one man)) joined us .. something about a grand Ferris Wheel I mentioned to him ... Our conversation did not last long as well .. you shall see . the next thing we heard from Greg ...
umm and I quote ... "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" more from greg .. *laughs* "boys will be boys"
Soon the enchanting Dr Fabre Joined us .... and Greg was done with the double plenty Ride .. and we had a lovely chat of catch up and it just was a lovely summer evening at The Carnival of Doom Babbage Style of course .. *grins*
Soon it was just my dear most special Friend Dr Fabre and I ... (( Greg had real life to tend to and Mara well she had to eat .. tisk tisk Mara Mara Mare .. smiles ))
Then something very special Happen out of No Where !!!!!!!
The canvas is prepared! The Design and Planning Committee have worked their hineys off and laid the track (ok, most of it ....) and cut parcels and all the other background broad brush strokes.
Now its time for me to welcome all of you to enter and paint the details of our relay
and breathe life into these empty regions!!!
I can't wait to see this all come alive with all the energy, creativity and love that you all bring to relay all season long and especially for our final culminating event!
We have a special challenge for some of you. There are some sharp terrain drops alongside or between some of your parcels! OMG! I've thought about possible solutions, like making the land slope very gently across both regions but I also know that all of you have amazing creative ideas, so if you have one of these parcels, please brainstorm with me on solutions to 'hide' the drops or be creative in how you terraform for your parcel... just be sure to work with your neighbors! At the very worst case, I have a couple of texture options for a 'retaining wall' means of hiding the drops, or some sculpted cliff textures I haven't tested yet....
Build Happy!!!
WoW ..... Imagine February March April May June and now today a day early July 8th 2009
New Babbage Camp Site had not only arrived was ready for the build !!!
I was blessed and joined with Dr Fabre a member of Our New Babbage RFL .. Team .. PR if you please as we are most fortunate to have him home again with and in his own right and his amazing hand with His Own The Heliograph
We were in awe how peaceful and grand and just how special the moment in time was ....Endless possibilities 37 sims in all
Of course none of this open to the public but Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a privilege and humble honor to present to all of YOU
The New Babbage build Team
Captain of Designer Sim -Reitsuki Kojima
Captain of the Camp Site- Aeolus Cleanslate
The Builders
Doctor Obolensky (co captain)
Greg Merryman
Edward Pearse
Elfod Nemeth
Beq Janus
Kaylee Frye
Canolli Capalini
Blak Opal
Together with the help of some others It is their turn Now and they shall indeed change the grid and in that change Second Life for a wee bit of time as we knew it with their creations !!!!
Hugsss and twirlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
and grand heart felt thank YOUs to each of YOU !!!
always Breezy

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