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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To Those that Serve and Served Thank YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one wants to be at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But lets not ever forget how we got this thing we call Freedom ..
It didn't come easy. Breezy comes from a time and place that respect was taught to Always show and give to the Men and Women that serve. To each of them here and not ..
It is with humble honor and Pride I type a heart felt ............Thank YOU ..
Navy is the branch that my personal family and friends served but each one matters ..
We kid and joke but truth be told each one fought the war and shall always serve their country well with pride and dignity !!! Different wars .. Different Branches ... Different Vets ..
My Grandparents served.( she as nurse in the navy) , and came over from Ireland as children and grew up to serve in Navy , I look at his saber every day that sits by one of my fire places . The navy cross hangs outside my home .. My grand father went on to be an attorney and Mayor .. They married and had two children My Mom and her brother they both served in Navy ...
My Mother was a special woman a widow at just 42 with three daughters ..never complained .. Reminded us of our Freedom often and how it was achieved be it 4th of July.Memorial Day,Veterans Day.
None of us ever got into trouble and to be honest we each did well with our lives .. We owe it to her .. She ran a tight ship ..
((My Father was Air force with four brothers in Navy ))
all together with millions of others they help built the strongest Middle class the world has ever know !
smiles ..
the video ah if you please, watch it through .. I promise you will be moved !!!
The photos are of a spectacular Sim that my dearest friend and most special companion Dr Fabre took me to.. what a privilege to experience this quite moving display with modest he ... it took me a couple of visits and to get past my own emotions and gather my thoughts ..
I am sharing the Navy part of the display but all branches are there ...
I can only imagine how a Veteran would feel walking through them .
3rd Annual SL Veteran's Tribute-Nov 8th - 14th 2009
Veteran's Day Veteran Veterans Day Marine Corps Army Navy
!!!!!!!! Moving !!!!!!!!!!!
USS Scimitar Nuclear Submarine

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