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Monday, December 7, 2009

Kudos Times Magazine They Got it Right !!!

Kudos to Times Magazine They sure did get it right !!!
Steampunk: Reclaiming Tech for the Masses
A well done article on Steampunk including Our Beloved Bible
A Difference Engine and Brass Goggles and and and ... Dear Doctor Fabre's beloved
a quote from the article below ...
Instead of fading away, steampunk has gotten increasingly intense and relevant, and right now it seems to be rising to the surface. Scores of steampunk novels were published this year. There are steampunk housewares and steampunk bands and Victorian-inflected steampunk fashions. There are 27 steampunk iPhone apps available on iTunes. Magazines like Steampunk and blogs like Brass Goggles and the Heliograph track the scene. A museum in Oxford, England, is currently holding an exhibition of steampunk art. The steampunk meet-up at last summer's Comic-Con in San Diego was mobbed. In late October, Seattle hosted Steamcon, its first annual steampunk convention.
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