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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Le Reine Comes to The Relay For Life Clothing Fair 2010 !

Le Reine ! This gown is second in the Majestic line of gowns. It is based on a very famous House of Worth gown that was made around 1898.
Yes back to Paris and another Brand New Gown From Miss Kembri Tomsen
what can I say .. Breezy is most touched with Paris and well the gown ..
let the blog and photos attempt to do this amazing recreation Justice
First these Most Special New Collection of Worth Gowns
Come with their very own Signature undergarments
saucy, eloquent and quite Devinne with a fun yummy style all their own
Behold the Orginal Gown that Miss Kembri has brought to grid for all
"The gown is currently in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, though I do not think it is on display. This is the gown that Le Reine is based on.
The story goes that House of Worth, which was headed at that time by Jean Phillipe Worth, son of Charles Frederick, designed this gown based on the Effiel tower's wrought iron.
It is believed it was shown at the Paris Exposition. The gown has since traveled to many places, ending as a treasured piece at the Met."

I thought of it right away when we won a spot on the Paris sim for RFL 2010. I hope that you will enjoy the magnificent gown with its intricate scrolling black velvet which is stitched to heavy white satin. The sleeves are of tulle with black velvet bows. There is the larger bustle train, but this gown is just as amazing without it. It all depends on how you'd like to wear it.
The SL skirts have resizing scripts which are deletable when you are finished. The sleeves are mod so that you may adust them as you need too.
The lingerie is part of the RFL fun, and I hope you enjoy it.
Cordially yours,
Kembri Tomsen
The Curious Seamstress

Indeed this gown is stunning and again a true labor of love From Lady Kembri..Truth be told Breezy lost herself for hours in the gown .. That is part of the dream .to appreciate the creative of another .. Remember something everyone is not a builder or designer RFL events such The Clothing Fair and Build weekend These are when these folks are able to "Bring It" Their Sunday Best ..But that is their Part .. our part is to support the cause in showing our support to and for the creations

A warm Hug and a most special thank YOU to YOU Lady Kembri for giving some very unique extra moments in time for Breezy to really feel special ,safe and most content dressed in a real life Period gown that was made with so much of your own heart and thought !!

Le Reine Now available from The Curious Seamstress located in Paris At the RFL Clothing Fair 2010
Thank YOU for stopping by
cya next time .. till then
Breezy looks so forward to dancing later (tonight)
Visit The Clothing Fair Today !

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