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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tonight @ Piermont Landing 6pmSLT It's The 2nd Annual Evolutionary Ball

Piermont Landing is Proud to PresentIndeed The Piermont is ready and waiting

The 2nd Annual Evolutionary Ball
Saturday April 24th
6pm to 9pm SLT
Fish Spawing Build Contest
first prize 1500L
second prize 1000L
third prize 500L
Music By The Amazing DJ Bats
Sponsored By
House of RFyre
BlakOpal Designs
Curious Seamstress

to welcome all to The Ball !!
Two "Big Old New Babbage Fish Tanks" Provided for Fish Spawn Entrees 
What grand created Fish Shall make the Cut to
Tenk's Tank
all puns welcome on this one !!
Indeed Breezy does hope to  See all of YOU there .. where ?
Why at Piermont Landing of Course for The 2nd Annual Evolutionary Ball
Fish Spawn Build Contest
6pm to 9pm slt
till then a poem ((notice the hourglass design!))
ah and of course a tune
smilesss and wavessss
Hourglass of Time and Life Poem
by Claire Knight

Hourglass of Time
is birth a blank page? or a weighty tome
crammed full of ingrained wisdom
and lesson plans to draw on
as we climb the hill
of learning and
striving until
on the peak
we turn:
a change of
view sliding
down with ease
the relentless decline
grains of truth spill between
our hands until the sands run out
and the tome of life swells with more pages

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