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Friday, May 28, 2010

Here Comes The Bride, Miss Letitia from GreenWood Designs

Ladies .. Hello as we go into a sentimental Long Memorial Day Weekend Holiday weekend, for many of us Stateside it is with a sparkle in her eye, Breezy models this gown .. Behold "Miss Letitia" Lady Kembri Tomsen's Latest in creative .. Her second in her Victorian Wedding Gown Couture .. What makes this gown special .. smiles ..The Satin, The lace, covered buttons,crystal's textures and flow are quite dynamic ..but that is just the  start for it is the endless eye,thought and heart Lady Kembri puts to details including a lovely rose head crown, with or without  the veil . This beautiful viel.smiles  that breezy has tried to capture the flow of it for all .. Indeed, beautiful undergarments are included but, let's save them for a surprise shall we .. *smiles*
Ah and the song although not period ((it could be really)) but to breezy it is true love song and 
as Americana as it gets !!!
Enjoy this Dramatic,gorgeous period gown and Enjoy the Holiday with those special in and to your own hearts ..and a Toast to those ..Who both Made and Make a difference for each of we ...
 Now Breezy is  humbled and pleased  to share some words from The Designer herself
This is quite a special gown. I actually started it before I did Miss Dovie, the first in this line of wedding gowns. But some parts of this gown just weren't working for me, so I put her away. I went back later and fixed the issues I was having, and so you now have Miss Letitia, the second in the Curious Seamstress line of wedding gowns. Letitia was a common name in the 1880s when this gown was made. The crystal beadwork and heavy satin are just gorgeous, amazing materials, and I hope I brought the swish of it through to your gown. The gown is a dream wedding gown for a woman from the Late Victorian period. It would also most likely be her best gown and one that might be worn again on another occasion,
such as a formal ball." I hope you enjoy totally amazing gown. Even I stand back now and then and go 'wow' at something I've done. This is one of those wow gowns. Thank you again for your support, and may you have a most wonderful time in this dress!
Cordially yours,"Lady Kembri Tomsen"
 Kembri Tomsen
   The Curious Seamstress
    GreenWood Designs


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