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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spa Day! MOH's Birthday

On Monday, it was my MOH's birthday so we took the day of work and went for a facial and hot stone back massage at a Spa in Maida Vale (West London).

We started with the hot stone back massage, it was great, lasted about 30 mins and I feel a lots less tension in my shoulder now.  Got to be honest though I couldn't help giggling most of the time, being naked in front of strangers (specially if they are touching me) makes me nervous!

Next we moved on to the facial which lasted almost an hour... she cleansed, steamed, scrubbed, rubbed, and more - at first my skin didn't look much different and I expected to have a break out!  But 3 days later and having a terrible cold my skin is looking rather good, nice and smooth!

After we had finished at the spa we went for lunch down the road, re applied our make up and headed to our next stop.  We were booked in for champagne and truffles at a tea room in Highbury, but when we arrived the manager in formed us they had no champagne and didn't have a reasonable replacement!  This was very disappointing, but with the weather outside actually warm and sunny for a change we head to London's South Bank and had a few drinks at the BFI... where I found my new summer drink 'Crabbie's Ginger Beer'!

Both the above deals were found at Groupon! 

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