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Friday, June 24, 2011

Vitabela Dubrovna's Boudoir Presents Miss Dangerous

Ah this is a Fun one ..  Introducing , Miss Dangerous from 
The Spectacular Creative world of Miss  Vitabela Dubrovna
Miss Dangerous  is Perfect for an evening of Dancing ..
 Breezy Dances with her Wondrous Partner .. Rafael .. Perfect ..
In his New Parc de la Siren, behind His Empire Jazz Club in Seraph City ..
For more info  and details on the Club and Park
Indeed the feathers and Look of Miss Dangerous is Devinne
Miss Dangerous  from Vitabela Dubrovna's  Boudoir
Sexy outfit,including dress,shoulder piece and hat
    The Gorgeous Feathers, The Leather detail ..
The Shoulder Piece and Hat .. grins Just  Amazing and stunning ... 
The name suits the Gown Miss Dangerous Indeed !
Ah a perfect evening for a tender Embrace ..
Rafael : "Dearest ,I strongly suggest you remove Your "Ordinal" Derringer"
from  My Throat Immediately"
Breezy : "Grins" ..........bang .......bang ..........oops !
(( Just Kidding he is .. quite Healthy and Well )) 
Swoon ..
The Gown, Miss Dangerous  is beautiful !!   The Style and Design,
 like this Real Life Designer herself,Vitabela Dubrovna,an Original and Most Special Delight !!
Breezy has said it before and shall say it over and over .. In this world one has to just  really enjoy it !
It shows tenfold when it is .. When it becomes a have to or  must .. somehow  that shows too ..
Life is short .. We each have a real life for stress and problems
This is the grid .. A place to come .. explore .. share and enjoy !
It is  designers Like Miss Vitabela who reminds us  of this with every creative ..
The wonderful gift .. She is a real live designer with her very own  shop in real Life ..
full of her own real life  designs .. Pretty Over the top enchanting  !! 
Please Make and take the time to visit her world in Second Life ..
It is Just bedazzling !!!  True Artistic, Beauty and Fun Designs
Miss Dangerous  A real Keeper

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