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Monday, June 29, 2009

^v^ SEA of LIFE ^v^ Bay Side :)

Morning Campers !! *grins* this is what we call the "real deal" ,
"Bay side",if ya my own first life ..
and this blog is to Friendships, sort of Like "Bay Side", in any life great lives or not .. There is nothing like the bright Light and support of a good and dear Friend in any world really .. They can give one that extra spark .. A special smile ..*grins*.... a good feeling ...that comes from with in ...

So understand .. not everyone is a friend .. Some well some just are not the ones we get to enjoy and sway with .. grins and that is alright !! It thru these experiences Friendship are embraced Not dissed or destroyed !!
Join me In the Toast to the True Foot Prints that exist in each of own hearts ..
for these are the foot prints of kindness that often help and keep the each of us from falling a part .
The Friend Who Just Stands By
When trouble come your soul to try,You love the friend who just "stands by."Perhaps there's nothing he can do--The thing is strictly up to you;For there are troubles all your own,And paths the soul must tread alone;Times when love cannot smooth the road Nor friendship lift the heavy load,But just to know you have a friend Who will "stand by" until the end,Whose sympathy through all endures,Whose warm handclasp is always yours--It helps, some ways, to pull you through,Although there's nothing he can do.And so with fervent heart you cry,"God bless the friend who just 'stand by.'"
...B. Y. Williams - From the book Tea For Two

Just Being Friends
"Friendship happens in that special moment
when someone reaches out to another,
trusts, comforts, believes in another,
and makes a special difference
that no one else can make".
Beauty of Our Friendship
Friendship is a Priceless Gift that cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater than a mountain made of Gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear
And in the time of trouble it is powerless to cheer--
It has no ears to listen nor heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand
So when you ask God for a gift
Be thankful if HE sends not diamonds, pearls or riches
But The Love of Real True Friends.
- Helen Steiner Rice -
~ Threads of A Friendship ~
Contents: medium size card with the poem below on it
and a tiny spool of thread glued to card. Place inside of a zip lock sandwich bag.
Threads of A Friendship That Will Never Break:
Thank you for the laughter, for the good times we share.
Thanks for always listening, for trying to be fair.
Thank you for the comfort, when things are going bad.
Thank you for the shoulder to cry on when I'm sad.
This gift is a reminder that all my lifetime through,
I will be thanking heaven for a special friend like you
~ Friendship Gift ~
You wrap a small block of wood 2x2 or 3x3 with fabric.
You then wrap either raffia or a fabric bow, with the following poem attached.
"This is a very special gift That you can never see.
The reason it's so special is... It's just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely, or ever feeling blue,
You only have to hold this gift, and know I think of you.
You never can unwrap it... please,
leave the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close to your heart
It's filled with love, inside".
~ Friendship Bag ~
Contents: roll of lifesavers, cotton ball, Hershey's Kiss, Hershey's Hug, Sweet Tarts, B-day candle, circle with happy face stickers, rubber band, pencil eraser(top), band-aid, recipe card with a recipe on it, paper clip, tissue, and a small smooth stone.
Place all these items in a pretty gift bag.
On the outside of the bag attach a sheet of paper or note card
with the meanings below printed on it.
Contained in this Friendship Bag are a few reminders of friendship.
LIFESAVERS: To remind you of the many times others need help and we need theirs.
COTTON BALL: For the rough roads, seek the cushioned support of your family and friends.
RUBBER BAND: A reminder to stay flexible.
SWEET & SOUR CANDY: To help you appreciate the differences in others.
CANDY KISS: To remind you that everyone needs kisses.
CANDY HUG: To remind you that hugs are nice, too.
HAPPY FACE: Smiling not only increases your face value, it's contagious.
CANDLE: To remind you to share your light with others.
BAND-AID: For healing hurt feelings, yours and someone else's.
RECIPE CARD: To share a favorite with a friend as a symbol of caring.
PAPER CLIP: to help keep things together when they seem to be slipping out of control.
TISSUE: to wipe away a tear, your own or someone else's
SMALL SMOOTH STONE: to remind you that rough times
help refine and polish--use for smoother tomorrows
ERASER: To remind you that everyday you can start with a clean slate.

Walk With Me
If you have learned to walk
A little more sure-footedly than I,
Be patient with my stumbling then
And know that only as I do my best and try
May I attain the goal For which we both are striving.
If through experience, your soul Has gained heights which I
As yet in dim-lit vision see,
Hold out your hand and point the way,
Lest from its straightness I should stray,
And walk a mile with me.
From the book, Taking Time For Friends.
The author is unknown.
If I Could...
If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.
If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them in the sea
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me.
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best:
A friend that's always there.
Author Unknown
Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
Make all of your friends feel there is something in them that is worthwhile.
Look at the sunny side of everything.
Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
Give everyone a smile.
Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.

Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.
Don't let yourself drown in the SEA OF LIFE!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the Bay Side .. and now for an early Sway !!

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