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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Welcome to the Creative World of Canolli Capalini

Welcome I wished to show first that I started to do photo economy but since I have been working on this ohh for quite sometime now .. Sorry Photo economy does not do the artist or her creations justice !!
I often say I am nobody around here .. because when you are close with so many that enjoy building , scripting, blogging, networking role playing etc .. smile ..
where does that leave a friendly Seabreeze ...
Just looking for a safe place with someone special exploring and finding new surprises and sharing experiences really .. Away from real life stress , a break from daily dull routines , a wee bit of the magic that dreams are made of ....for a few special moments in time ..
I lost interest tv long ago, and was so stressed out from work .. grins .. and a real life friend talked me into second life .. I ran from it at first .. But I must admit I have come across some very special ,most good people .. One my favorite of all I call my faceless friend ..
there is a reason for this .. I have a good first life .. I am blessed ..
The winters are not for the weak at heart where I come from and as I go into my own personal better seasons of real life I wish to do the right thing for and by the wonderful characters and special people that have done right by and been kind to breezy .. Because let's face it breezy is not some grand dame role player .. not a builder or a scripter or a writer .. she is just a gal .. who tried to make a difference and do and share perhaps a little good .. most can not comprehend such a thing .. but the few that get her and understand thank YOU !! This blog is to someone I have known the longest on second Life .. A daily interactive friend who excepts me with all my faults and all my silly worries and reminds me to breath and cares enough to see how I am doing and cares enough to always be there ... we are not friends on conditions we except and understand !
There is one other person this close to me but I shall let that person remain private..

Tucked away in New Babbage in the Heart of The Canals is a most special local treasure and it's not just her shop and her contents that spark. It is the most clever, sassy intelligent and perhaps one of the hardest working builders of furniture ,creature of the most one of a kind music boxes and jewelery on the entire grid I know !!!
Miss Canolli Capalini a true Lady of New Babbage and true local Treasure !!

These photos are her latest Release The Edison each set come with the coach chair footstool table, light fixture,books, carpet and tea tray 12 embedded wonderful animations 18 menu driven cuddle/reading animations

Yes believe it or not the set is low prim *grins* Yes yes it is !! Its seamy and period and just fabulous with the neatest animations .. *smiles* but then animations are another of Ms Canolli's Fine Furnishings speciality !

This set comes in three wonderful colors that the photos really do not do justice to there is a lovely passion purple a deep rich green and warm loving Red (( my favorite ))

ah ladies and gentlemen the about lighting fixture I would love in real life !! What Steam punk gal wouldn't ... just pure funk steamy !!!
This next Edison fixture is right out of a pottery barn catalog with a dash of extra Steam !!
Grins a fun moment in time .. Did I mention we do not always agree .. grins.. nope and sometimes we even bicker about it but you know we laugh and we compromise and give one another space and laughter and the best part ..We are so different !!! This photo says it all !!
I think breezy was pouting or frowning and Canolli was laughing at her !!

When I first saw this banjo clock I laughed it was so adorable the sounds and clock and we waited and waited for it to chime it was the long waiting period and we had tons to do and talk about but it was all about this banjo clock and I shall share it was well worth the wait and memory .. ( smiles)
Her Globes are with out a doubt the best on the grid !! The Perfect gift to give the one someone most special and unforgettable .. A Canolli globe .. *grins* my humble view !!
This new Dining room set is a true labor of Love complete with the Edison lighting fixture
The Amazing Shop located in the New Babbage Canal District a true Land mark in its self !!
Also Located on the third floor of The Island of House of Fryre
Like the modest Lady who own builds and runs the show remarkable !!!!
Oh My her Broken Toys .. Laughing .. this was such a fun project Canolli had a blast making them .. You see that is her trick she does have a great deal fun while she builds and creates !!
But here is her secret he has some of coolest toys to begin with she just was feeling restless so she busted them up .. and they are brilliant and adorable !!
My favorite of all her Olliphant... Waits for Red to show hers *hugs*
Ahh this is a most special Set to me .. I remember when she created it and I hid in the chest grins It sits in My Lotus deep under the Sea Now .. *grins*

Simple lovely wouldn't you agree .. did I mention the animations .. simply the very best I say always !!
Ok the Queen Ann blew me away the set in my own family's living room .. ah it was in white with a deep green leather wing chair .. How i detested that chair .. That sit in that chair and think about what you have done chair growing up as a child !! Love the Set .. Love it !! How real it really is !!!
Oh Yummy .. for the larger gathering (smiles)
Each collection sculpted and textured with amazing thoughtful animations always some come with a bit of humor but always true history !!!!!
Oh please pardon little breezy couldn't help but take a wee nap
A tad Goldie locks perhaps but just looks at those pillows
The music boxes are so spectacular and as time goes by so does her own creative to go beyond in textures sounds and animations .. Her own sculpting is spectacular
Soon it was a request from a client to Make the now famous Lotus music box life size
Who else but YOU would make a life size music box and put yourself in as ballerina
I shall never forget when I asked you do this and how you brought it all to life for me and how much fun we had doing it !!! Miss Canolli continues to be there for New Babbage and has sponsored every Piermont Landing Ball since day one !! She now also co sponsors the build contests !
This Modest grand creative powerhouse .. (takes one to know one yes !! ))
a daily work of art .. Its not about the money to her but rather it is all about the
passion the desire to create !!
Breezy has some most special friends on here but only one Sister
To You Miss Canolli Capalini .. I never realized just how close we are till
September last year and YOU know what we have been and stayed close thru a lot.
The Miracle of Friendship
by Anonymous
There is a Miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens or when it even starts.
But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift
and you realize that Friendship is God's most precious gift.

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