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Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Gift

The Gift
Well I must admit I am guilty of rushing about in all worlds (( Wicked snow storm and more on the way made for a most stressful Friday .. Saturday was full of phone calls shoveling .. a bit of sledding with some dear friends ah and this is real life grins .. )) on to the grid secret Santa's all put in place .. YaY ... and even a surprise for breezy thank YOU dear dear Good Hearted Bob and my dearest Friend Canolli for talking me into it .. Breezy now has shop more on that down the Pike ..
(( while away from key pad for endless time explaining ,what felt like every snow flake to my great aunt who is a snow bird from way back .. Dear darling Addie and Jimmy where trying to get breezy to come to the school ))
Now FYI the school was built for one huge soul selfish intention of dear breezy
a class of 2008 photo be hold my little darling came thru ten fold !!!!!!!
Photo taken by Jimmy ...
These Darling children came thru !! For breezy got her biggest surprise thus Far ..
I can not thank YOU each of YOU enough for the gift you each have given me ((and to all )) is worth like know and playing and chatting and sharing with each of YOU ten fold !!!
You and your character are priceless as we each rush around rushing here and rushing there .. bitter for this bitter for that .. complaining and sighing ..
Keep Love alive in you heart for this thing called life is fleeing in any world
These are most special memories of all each of them when One can stop for just a moment
one stops and says Wow to !!!
It was with tears in my eyes I thanked each and everyone of them with a great big Hugs ..
I am breezy Carver I am not a builder a scripter nor do I hold any magic talent ..
All I have is a kind word for all and I hope a safe place to chat to share and for a wee bit of time escape a Good Real life that tends sigh well ya all know .. grins don't we all need a break from the real world from time to time !!!
Christmas is the keeping-place for memories of our innocence.
Joan Mills
After some chores I caught some of Rivet Town's A Christmas Carol
Jimmy of course was Tiny Tim brilliant brilliant claps claps !!!!!!!!

A moment to reflect holding my Ollie phant tight ..
How Most blessed Breezy Carver is .. and how bless I am in any world ..
Life is very reflective this time of year for me .. thoughts of my real life family and Christmas's past .. thoughts of the present and my new extended second life family that makes me smile ..
Thank YOU !!
Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give. It's Christmas.
Dale Evans Rogers

Christmas hath a darkness;

Brighter than the blazing noon;

Christmas hath a chillnessWarmer than the heat of June,

Christmas hath a beautyLovelier than the world can show:

For Christmas bringeth Jesus,Brought for us so low

Christina Rosetti

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