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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Indeed it was an extra special day!!

Indeed it was an extra special day!!

Real life can be pretty scary out there.
I thought I would share a special experience of warmth that happened to me ..
I saw a little girl today she was so beautiful.
What a happy child she was with her Daddy and holding his hand.
I smiled and said “ My you are adorable “ I smile at her father and then said “ I am speaking to your daughter Sir “ and the gentleman Beamed , “Why thank YOU Madam she is my granddaughter her father is serving in Afghanistan and its his third tour .

WoW !! Oh Sir” God Bless him and YOU and thank YOU so much for sharing may I give your grand daughter a hug” ?
He smiled and said “let’s ask Molly “and then he turned to the child and asked if she would mind .. “ She smiled and giggled and said “I don’t mind” and she let go of his hand and gave me the biggest Hug.. I leaned down hugged her back tight and said “thank YOU Molly Merry Christmas sweetheart “ and she whispered “thank YOU and Merry Christmas to you “. I stood up and wiped the tear from eye and shook her grandfather’s hand and thanked him as well. We got to talking and of course found out we shared some friendships.

Sadly , I also found out he had just lost his daughter (the child’s mother to cancer in July) He had also lost his own wife in a terrible car accident just a year before .

This man and this little girl had such a bright warm glow. We talked for over an hour and I walked away feeling so most blessed to have met them both. So much we each take for granted, Family, friends, experiences both good and bad. How we handle and go thru each of our experiences is so often … well my humble view it’s how we each build our character. This little girl was eight years old. She was so pure, so bright ,so happy and most content and she was loved and had so much love to give it just showed !

We were at a Beach on a Chrystal clear cold winter’s day. Yet it could have been 80 degrees with the warmth from each of our hearts and the conversations we all shared , Molly played with Maddy my dog they ran and jumped and had so much fun. By the time sun set came an hour in half had gone by and there were about a half of dozen of us gathered together just laughing and chatting , there were no cell phones , no pressures . Just pure good impromptu conversations.. Indeed it was an extra special day!!

Thank YOU Molly for making it that way !!

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