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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~Smooth ~

Carlos Santana Perhaps my all time favorite musician artist and I have a great deal of them trust me ...
but Carlos .. ahhh a gift to us all from the heavens indeed .. A most humble man The Meat indeed !!1
those signature riffs on the guitar who can't pick them out Music that can make one cry !!
This is a man who took a decade break and had a dream He had a dream that god spoke to him (( this was in 90s music was having some problems really)
in the dream god told him simply .. " Bring back the melodies and lyrics Carlos bring them back for me and the hearts of all man kind )) true story there ~

The Result ... ahhh A collection of incredible songs featuring artists from all walks of life .. The Name .... Supernatural ... The results
42nd Grammy Awards Mexican-born guitarist Carlos Santana took home an astounding eight trophies, earning his first Grammys in 13 years.
talk about a come back .. talk about a journey .. talk about results in the ultimate of making a change .. and difference ..
The eight Grammy awards ties a record for most Grammys won by an artist in a single year . Michael Jackson accomplished the same feat in 1983 with his album "Thriller".In addition to the eight Grammys presented directly to Santana for the album "Supernatural", the Song of the Year trophy was awarded to Rob Thomas/Itaal Shur of Matchbox 20, for penning the album's smash single "Smooth".
Hope Faith and Peace .... His Instrumentals speak to the World .. period !!
The song I wanted to post is too new and can not be displayed (grins)
Please understand I am going some place with this week entries .. beside torturing those that read and are kind enough to even begin to get dare I type understand my thought process grins .. It will all come together with Friday's Post ..

Rescue me from the power of my enemies.
Their mouths are full of lies; they swear to tell the truth, but they lie.
Psalm 144:11b,12 NLT

Pure smilessssssssssssssss and feel good music hope it made each of you smile
twirlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss !!!!

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