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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~Sweet Freedom~

Sweet Freedom

indeed I am on a musical journey as I work thur some numbers and I reflect be it an early am or a late evening ...
Gosh Life goes by so fast .. so much to do .. rolls eyes it is endless ..
inbetween sometimes in down time .. sigh .. that is the time ..
I worry .. I blame myself not others for a grate deal ....
ah Irish guilt .. I think I have felt guilty my entire life ... I don't fear people ..
I tend to drift away on my own .. ( that way no one knows) silly isn't ....
Recluse perhaps depression nah not really there are always people around me .. I just don't let a lot in close ..
It is a double edge sword .. people have their own problems and lives to live why on earth would they want to be bothered with whats going on
in a Sea Breeze's head .. smiles .. Humility is always most important to me ..

I was told at a young age "don't put your business in the street" .. humm then lost most my family at early very early stages in my life ..Kind of a paradox there ..
Been burned and hurt many times over .. that's life it happens .. My own fault of course can't blame another for my own hurt feelings or sad thoughts ..
Remember that when holding a grudge .. remember what did this person do to anger you so much ???
Oh I can think of one maybe two grins ok perhaps a few .. that there are just no words nor means to ever go back to .. But for the most part .. Its all good !!
I have to admit March and April are long hard months a lot of gray .. tricky times and days indeed .. Days are long this means .. lots more time to make and see things happen
On the same note .. More time for negative and conflicts and stress .. The armour ?? Having faith Being balanced . keeping ones spirit alive and up and aware of others feelings and Oh ya .. really good music I say ..

As for Rock and Roll that journey will be next week this week's are the dudes that just make me smile and say "Oh WoW" yeah !! I get it ...grins I feel better !!
Music should make a person feel .. I Do Dig ..passion .. Indeed emotions ,love, happy sad .. sentlemental .
I don't need a rif to reflect anger .. that sort of concerns me .. infact not evening going there !
We are if all do recall Free .. imagine .. Imagine not being able to listen to the tunes and the beats the riffs that make YOU Feel !!
imagine others not respecting Your feelings .. imagine .. it happens all the time .. who do folks think they are ?? Oh for the moment the tinsel town high takes over ....
But at the end of the day it is really for each of us .. ( the Me Myself and I each of us looking in the mirror) .. all the friends .. the laughs .. the plans .. the family .. can't change the fact that at the end of the day .. we have to live take care of and respect ourselves .. in order for others to do so it's really that simple .. good days bad days .. everyone are ours to live thru .. support others always but be there for YOU .. it makes You a better YOU for YOUR next day .. *silly thoughts on sweet freedom* hey it's lent ...I'm out .. tomorrow some meat .. grins ...

Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.

Proverbs 9:9-11 NIV

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