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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Save Room ~ BlakOpal does it Yet again ~

*Grins* due to the hectic week Breezy has been quiet tucked away at her
native homeland estate ... in any world the ocean does make things better ...
But while there thought I would share a clever creation from Miss BlakOpal ....
Her Latest is BlakOpal Blue Flowers Corset Set
Paired with her .. Shelley Gown - Blue delightful !!!!
thank YOU dear Miss Opal for once again nailing it just right ..
what fun and many twirlssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
So eloquent as Breezy does so adore blue ((and white of course ))
But together these collections just pop .. Once again dear Opal creates and combines the very best in textures and creative with a most fun spirit and Like Magic to the eye pure Steam !!!
Either alone for a quiet evening or out with friends these gowns are quite eye catching and most creative .. with much heart used to create them Always
But it does not stop there .. Introducing BlakOpal Dark Horizons Lingerie - Blue
ding ding ding once Again .. The colors just breath taking ..

Smiles indeed .. for the yummy textures, rich colors and most clever design just sheer delight !!
BlakOpal Dark Horizons Lingerie - Blue
Ahhh till next time .. Kudos Miss Opal . well done ..
BlakOpal Dark Horizons Lingerie - Blue
cya next time and thanks for Looking .. smilesss
wavesssssssssssss and twirlsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
on a lovely August evening .. ;)

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