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Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Clues ...Characters ..The Moon .....

Indeed getting darker now .. a bit ..
Listening to the cylinders .. reading the transcipt of them ..
going back over all the scriptures of history yet again the fire .. the cloud angel ..
chills still @ The Eliot device ...
indeed as it slowly comes together and it is even more frightful then Breezy had Imagined .....
No need to ask what it all means ....
Now we prepare and be ready
Barrels coming alive from above
for ........ what WiLL HaPPen Next ....................................
In ...New Babbage
come to New Babbage ..... we'll be about there some where ..
won't you join us ...
ever guarded twirls..
for one must watch and Listen ...
and read .... and watch ....
watch and pay attention and put the pieces of the puzzle together and find the missing pieces
of this living interactive ...puzzle it slowly builds and powerfuly unfolds ...
and The Bio reads ..........................
Born In New Babbage i was, raised in a wealthy well to do family. now i lost my man, my boy, and the Moon yes the moon, it winks at me, of so angry, while i search yes i search for that which i lost, i no longer remember, i tried the cobbled path to an end so lonely, so wide and everlasting.......
What does the Moon hold .. why is it most angry ???

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