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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Queen~Snow Flake~ Thank YOUs !!

Breezy Carver with her true love of steam & always beating like clockwork heart ..
She is not a great builder ,or writer, smiles
she does love to coordinate,quietly organize and put together special events.
This past week Breezy was able to attend two very different Delicious events by
two Delightful Ladies of neighboring Steam Nations ..
The First Miss Eleanor Anderton's fabulous Snow Queen Ball
The Snow queen Ball was in Snow Queen forest high above Caledon Rothesay
for more information Please see Miss Eleanor's blog

Breezy went back to get a nice shot of The Duke's Sir Edward lovely Statue
for a few shots of the many many guests that attended this wonderful event
please see the photos from the amazing , most talented eye of Mr PJ Trenton here
Early Saturday morning when Miss breezy Logged she was quite taken
and surprised to see she had been presented with Snow Princess .. WoW!!
below a list of the other character favorites of the evening ..
Special thanks again to Miss Eleanor & to The Duchess Gabriel Reil and her staff for a wonderful musical journey
and ((sharing the list with me for this thank You *grins*))
and Congrats to all as well !!!
Enjoy the Snow Queen Masque & watching your costumed friends dance the evening away. Select your favorites and list them on this note card ballot. Voting for the Best of the Snow Queen Masque Costume Categories will be completed halfway into the party to leave time for counting and announcing. Dash in the names by the categories, save your card, and then drop your card back to Eleanor Anderton.
Devilish Gentleman PJ Trenton
Dangerous Lady - Anna Darwinian
Winter Princess - Breezy Carver
Winter Prince - Starling Alecto
Magical Beast - Heliotrope Lion
Magically Feathered - Autopilotpatty Poppy
Pirate Robber Gentleman - MadManinc Zapatero
Pirate Robber Lady - Serra Anansi
Heroine - Annchen Lowey
Hero - Baht Mcmahon
Bewitching Sorceress - Vulpine Eldritch
Enthralling Sorcerer - Bullpup Udal
Lord of Misrule in honor of Twelfth Night Iason Hassanov
Snow Queen in honor of Twelfth Night - Elspeth Woolley
The next Fantastic Snow event was Saturday evening The 4th annual SnowFlake Ball
Put on by the lovely Miss Miss Eva Bellambi ..
for more information & photos on this I forward to Mr Hotspur Otoole clever blog
A special thank YOU to these marvelous Ladies of The Steam Lands for putting on
such fantastic events. For on this topic breezy is well aware of the time,heart and thought that goes behind the scenes to make them flow for each of our guests
kudos Ladies well done !!!
Again ...thank YOU ...

On a closing note .. In any world one of Breezy's favorite quotes is
Where ever You go There You are ...
Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, ca. A.D. 1440
((*wink* people use that quote often .. ponders.. how many know from whence it came *grins*))
anyway .. Breezy always feels on top of the world
Because of the company of her fabulous Sl Partner Dr. Rafael Fabre..
((fantastic dancer too .. ((smiles)) !! ))
thanks for stopping by see you next time ..... smiles and twirlssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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