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Friday, April 2, 2010

Candy Ribbons from The Curious Seamstress !

Ah has Breezy some eye candy to share with the ladies who love Victorian Fashion !!
Ladies I present Candy Ribbons From Lady Kembri Tomsen ..
I shall  share her own words below .. but first permit breezy to go on about the flow in design creative and Back of this gown! Ut Has to be seen and worn !!!
It is Delightful !!!
Yes a great deal of captures on this one only because it is just so pretty :)
thanks for stopping by cya next time !!
Candy Ribbons is based on a real world gown, as always.

The original gown has a lot of very pretty fringe. I considered making that all prim, but sometimes lag isn't worth the extra swinging stuff! So I settled for hints of it instead. This is really a very sharp gown, and I do love the colors of it. I hope you do too!
The blouse doesn't have to be worn with the gown, but it makes a lovely addition.
The skirt has a resizing script that is deletable. Once you've set the skirt to the size you want, you can hit the delete button. The script will ask for confirmation, then if you ok it, it will remove all resizing scripts. Just remember that once they're gone, you can't mod the size of the skirt again.
Cordially yours,
Kembri Tomsen
The Curious Seamstress

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