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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GRIM BROS.: All our Relay for Life VENDORS 2010 in one place

Relay For Life
Sometimes there is a story that touches another own heart ..
Well with RFL there are stories every moment that touch and change many of our lives
Cancer is never easy
Cancer is a horrid emotional and most personal difficult experience
I could write stats and I could go on and  on ,
 but instead let me just jot down a few thoughts from my heart
The heartbreak stories and experiences are endless !!
With out a doubt sooner or later
some how some way
Each and every person comes in contact with this awful killer
Support those you know and care about
listen to those YOU don't
Please take and make the time to care
to help fight this Monster and Yes
perhaps just perhaps .....
Just Like The fabulous, modest ,dear Ms Miss Cutea Benelli of Grim Bros
together we each can make an effort any effort .... to
Change The World  
GRIM BROS.: All our Relay for Life VENDORS 2010 in one place
one stop, all our RFL vendors - shop for the good cause! clothing furniture houses dresses steampunk hats gowns victorian shoes doll goth accessories fun items- every item sold in this temporary store benefits the american cancer society/ relay for life

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