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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hummm all seems Quiet @ Dr Obolensky Obeservatory Now ....

All seems quiet after The Bee's and the Horrific Ordeal of Dear Miss Bookworm Hienrichs
 Thanks to New Babbage's Dear Heros Captain Undertone and Mr. Mannonen efforts..
((give or take *grins*)). Obolensky's Observatory now seems quiet .. Or is it ??? .
For what demise is lurking and what ever is in store for Dear New Babbage next ??
After all The Morrow is Good Friday..
Breezy leaves all with some Dramatic *Photo* Captures
Of The remains of The Evil Doctor's Lair ..
and perhaps a quote for the little **cute** mouse
'Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.'
- Shakespeare, The Tempest Act 2, scene 2, Line 40

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