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Saturday, October 30, 2010

My sweet horror, my Halloween bride~Son!a Bloody Bride Halloween

~My sweet horror, my Halloween bride~
Son!a Bloody Bride Halloween
Halloween Bride
by SheaRyhai (c) 2009
Come with me my Halloween bride

and let us walk this night with pride

Your skin so pale, so deliciously cold.
Frail dead beating heart I long to hold.
Fear not the day we have plenty of time
your Lush Sweet lips belong to mine
Let them stare and marvel at your grace,
how these dark curls frame an Angel's face.
I live for the tone of your silver voice,
that draws children from safety without a choice.
Let us feast and chase through this night so alive,
before day break our freedom deprives.
I follow your laces eager to clasp,
your dangerous love within my grasp.
Your strength comes from blood, mine the moon,
I guard you through daylight within your tomb.
Your lover, protector, slave on the inside,
and you my sweet horror, my Halloween bride.

Son!a Bloody Bride Halloween
basic skirt
glitch pants
prim skirt- Resize


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