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Monday, October 18, 2010

An Unforgettable Salon Indeed !!

Indeed Sunday was a busy day!  Aether Salon, which was celebrating it's very own Second Anniversary with The  Lovely Topic Heroines in literature, with Miss Bookworm Hienrichs as speaker.
Breezy was so excited for Dear Bookworm , her first very own Salon , How exciting but little did anyone realize just how exciting it would get ..
An Unforgettable Salon Indeed !!

Book was quite knowledgeable giving different example of heroines from the Bible *smile* ..
She Started with The prostitute Rahab, saving life knowing her way thru back passages and ways , cunning and clever gal !
Next through example was know how to lie well , third taught us Use the authority given to you, and the fourth lesson was ,Use any advantage given to you.
The Aether Salon of October 2010 featuring Miss Bookworm Hienrichs discussing Heroines!

A wonderful turn out to hear this delightful Nobel Speaker
 Our Hostesses Miss Serafina Puchkina and Miss Jedburgh Dagger

 These fabulous Photos all from the Most Talented Mister PJ Trenton
Breezy listened to every word !!!

Oh My !!!!  The Evil Doctor Obolensky! This Can't be Good!!!!

In Moments !!!  We Were all Locked In !!!!!!

Gasp !!   Miss Book Book Our Herione Was down .. What would we Do ???? 
What was to become of us ???  Oh My !!!
The Evil Doctor Took to The Stage !
and I  quote : Please follow the rules of order
" really are quite dull-witted.  .Miss Heinrichs will be more or less no worse for wear...
But heroism requires more than any mere woman can manage.
...this deranged harridan...saving you from this deluded woman's ramblings
And, enough of that drivel, don't you think?
The Audience was just  stunned !!!!!!

Miss Dagger Contemplates Door

all of a sudden Miss Bookworm was Up and somehow Got the evil Doctor O's
 Doctor's wand, and destroyed the device - a very heroic action! The Doctor flew away on his propellor topper.. Also for sale in his shop in Port !! 
Breezy did notice Miss Miss Rhianon Jameson Locked and Loaded; always prepared she be !!

The End ~ Or is it ???
Again Most Special Thanks to Most Talented Mister PJ Trenton for His amazing Tagged Photos !

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