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Friday, March 4, 2011

You could Be Wearing SteamBoat Annie where Only Steam *4* The Hunt !!

You Could be Wearing Steamboat Annie
 Only Steam *4* The Hunt !! 
Well Ladies here is a most Special treat From
P3 Costumes & More
Miss Ivy Thatch has had fun with this creative fun Steamy ensemble !
One shameless plug from breezy here .. These boots are just so darling
they do not come with the ensemble .. The do how ever make it
and are quite steamy in their own Right .. *grins*
Steamboat Annie is a fun Steamy darling ensemble ...
and is available P3 Costumes & More..
A most fun shop stock full of all kinds of Costumes and well More !!
So are you hunting yet ??? 
These are just a taist of all the fun and clever Creative waiting for YOU ..
180 + shops .. get on the hunt
going on now through March 30th

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