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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Steampunk . New Babbage ... Add Some Rich ROZOREGALIA with Dash of [SYS] Design .....

Be it  in the Designs....
The High Factor of Inspiration for many of We ..  
Name Your Poison ... Ah Passion  
.. Artists .. Builders .. Designers .. Role Players ..
Steam punk is The Game in This World ... New Babbage is The Place .. 10 Sims of
Inspirational  Bricks and Cobbles .. Plenty of Characters .. Strong Community !!
Never Heard of It .. You Say ??
Well Then You Don't know What Your Missing !!! 
The Music Breezy's all time Favorite From Mr Vernian Process - Crime of the Century
Sometimes .. We each have to just take a break  breath and get Away ..
Blogging does it for Breezy so often ..
Not looking for praise of fan fare  Just sharing some Heart ..
Whispers Breezy thinks it is Just  August .. it tends to tap on Heart Strings ..
End of One Beautiful Season .. Getting *Geared* Up for the best Season of All ..  The Fall !!
Big Smile ..
Ponders ..   and smiles  back to safe Day and Night Dreams .. quietly grins and twirls 
Ah The Hat ?? The Gloves?? .. and The cough cough Opium Pipe ??
Skin and Gown by  [SYS- Design]

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