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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ah September In New Babbage !!

Ah September has a been a very busy and exciting month in all worlds really
so full i had to wait and do a recap as i had to gather my thoughts and my ..good deeds to do so
from a New Babbage City Counsel Election
(( that Breezy was elected to represent Vernian Sea/Deep))
The Formal Black Soot Ball and Balloon Build Contest !
Just Amazing with nine entrees and attended by 88 guests!

Cash Lindens Prizes and Ribbons where given
The fun and enjoyment that these Ribbons bring = Prizeless
to quote the Clockwinder
"Everyone loves The Ribbons "
personal note (my favorite one )
The Major's choice for it the New Babbage Tartan
quite special for not always given !!!
So much was going on The Soot Ball
Wonderful Visitors from other Nations and some of our favorite
in neighbors and friends from all the steam lands
Prizes were awarded for best in dress from Piermont's
Amazing sponsors
House of Rfyre
BlakOpal Designs
Capalini Fine Furnishings
The Curious Seamstress

New Babbage's very own Doctor Obolensky, and a relative newcomer
the charming Miss Obedience Mactavish got engaged .
Wedding to be held October 31st
and indeed the night went on .. grins .....
Special thanks to my dear CompaƱero Dr.Fabre
*Grins* Mr Cleanslate and I got talking and before no time
he brought the idea to life !!
((Well all did look stunning !! ))

Breey was up early the next morning for it was a most special day
Breezy and Mr Cleanslate were doing The Aether Salon
Yes indeed The Topic : Exhibitionism
for more information see below

September ended with part of a dream of breezy's being achieved ah but more on that to come !!Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you all in October ..The Piermont Ball ...theme shall be:
A Murder Mystery Masquerade Ball & working Coffin Build Contest ((30 prims)) ((Special thanks to PJ Trenton for some of the above photos used ))

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