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Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Heliograph on TV

Well Well You all shall never guess who Made TV :)
New Babbage's very own Dr Rafael's Blog
The Heliograph
(see Link below)
Dr Fabre = A Pure Modest Gentleman Extraordinaire with Steam and Class
A Voyager at Heart through and through
and His Beloved Heliograph Like he = Brilliant and a Gift to us all ..
Kudos Dear Dr Fabre
it's a brief bit..but ... ahh soo sweet !!!
Thank YOU dear Sir , for always making the grid a wee bit brighter
and for raising the blogging bar and making it all so much more interesting and fun for we all
Hugssss and extra Happy Twirlsssssssssssss
(ps special thanks to Our very own Dear Evil Doctor Obolensky for sharing the info of
The Heliograph on G4's Attack of the Show)
*grins* did I mention ,We do have the good Stuff In New Babbage Indeed !!

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