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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Hunt is On !! Why not Dress the Part !!

A couple of weeks ago my dear friend Miss Raven Pennyfeather Passed me a very special Gift ..
as she did ... she simply typed .. Arrrrrrrrrrg !!! Have Fun and Enjoy !!! ... grins...
I waited on purpose with the "All Grid STeam Hunt" Starting today September 1st..
see details on Dear, Dr Fabre's amazing blog the The Heliograph
*Huge Kudos to he for staying on top of these things and out scooping us all ..((smiles))
I thought this a fun outfit to wear ......
RFyre Designs presents
Rowann Womens Pirate Black
“Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates”
~ Mark Twain

Miss Raven's signature to style,detail and textures is laced all through this collection !!
I can't wait for more shades as it is a great deal fun to wear ...
I do mention Signature a great deal about my favorite designers and builders ..

for one can not help notice, when You see one these artists creations to recognize their own flair (hook) for style in each of their pieces !!
Miss Raven is another I have known almost two years now .. SO often she is in PS or busy in meetings or in her own designing but alas she always has time for me and makes me feel special !!
Yes I try to give share and spread her designs around the grid the best I can .. Because that's what friends do .. Again It is my humble privilege to call this great humble beautiful designer a good friend !!!

The Cape is my favorite part .. No wait the blouse and neck ties .. laughs ... see what I mean !!
With three choice of jackets and the kilt or just the wicked cool belt . ahh the cape or not.. hard for a gal to pick a favorite part of this fun ensemble .. grins ..
But for now I must run... as there is a hunt on and I promise to share what I treasures I find ..
now now no fussing its going on for the entire Month .. grins ..
In the mean time pick up this creative rich fun ensemble today . available
@House of RFyre
or X Street ..
Sail the Seven Seas. Rowan and Rowanne,
your pirate fantasies made SL, available now at RFyre.
RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black
RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Vest I (No Collar)
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Vest II (Collar)
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Vest III (Shirt & Collar)
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: White Linen shirt
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Leather Pants
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Gloves
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Black: Studded Leather Belt
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Cape
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate : Shirt Ruffle Right & Left (w/Shirt Only)
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Kilt Long
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Sleeve Right & Left
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Neck Scarf
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Eye Patch
!RFyre Rowanne Womens Pirate Black: Tricorn Hat
****Also Available in Men's Version *****
Thanks for stopping by and happy Hunting !!!
smiless and twirlssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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