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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Curious Seamstress presents a Victorian Evening Dress - 1881 - Regina

Curious Seamstress presents a Victorian Evening Dress - 1881 - Regina - proofed
Dark, rich blue velvet and a creamy brocade from panel, along with an upstanding collar combine to make a truly elegant evening dress. Very modest, yet extremely beautiful.
Breezy Loves this gown!! Lady Kembri Tomsen has indeed put together another real life Regal Ensemble for all to enjoy on the Grid ..
Of course Period Undergarments Included .. That are really quite darling
but you all are just going to have to buy this to see them !! *grins*
The back of this Magnificent Gown is just a beautiful as the Front !!
The Photo is taken In Mr Sextan Shepherd's
Jules Verne Salon complete
available on Market Place

"Jules Verne Salon"

This item was featuring in the famous Steampunk SIM "Nemo".

Include in the set :

- Verne Room - perms : copy/mod

- Organ - playable - perms : trans

- Carpet - perms : trans

- Console (books, globe) - perms : trans

- Verne's office (table) - perms : trans

- Tasle-crooke Lamp (menu driven) - perms : trans

- 2 chairs (office) - perms : trans

- Steam-art-lamp - perms : trans

- Table - perms : trans

- Round sofa (including multi-sit script/poses) - perms : trans

- Meridienne (including multi-sit script/poses) - perms : trans

- Single sit (including simple-sit script/poses) - perms : trans

Total prims count 221

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