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Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Notice & booking the registrar

Once we had confirmed our wedding venue I went about contacting the local registrar for our civil ceremony, as we are not getting married in a religious ceremony.  I contacted the local council to find out if the registrar was available on the date we required, thankfully they had 2 spots available, one at 11 am and one at 3.30 pm - and since we wanted to get married in the afternoon 3.30 pm worked brilliantly...

So today we went to 'give notice' of our marriage... this didn't take long, and they ask for the minimal amount of information, but my gosh it was intense, and now it really feels official - we are getting married!

To give notice firstly we had to arrange the local registrar for the county we are getting married in, then 'give notice' at our local registry office.  You can do this between 16 days to12 months before the wedding.  You are required to live in the burrow you 'give notice' in for at least 2 weeks prior to the date of 'giving notice' - then you take a proof of identity and proof of address plus £33.50 each to pay for the certificate which you receive 16 days later and provide to the registrar marrying you...

All information can be found at:

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