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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Importance of moisture even in summer

There is the adjustment that skin has to make, to get from winter dryness to summer oiliness. Most of us find that skin is oiler during the summer months and we tend to make the mistake for not moisturizing the skin during this time.However it is important to keep the skin hydrated during the summer months as well.
Understand that there
is a difference between moisture and oil; while the skin’s sebaceous glands may produce more than regular amounts of oil, the skin may still be parched for moisture.
The thing to do is to drink plenty of water, and also to use oil free moisturizers right through the summer months.
Also take particular care of the hands and feet that can get particularly dry in the summer months due to constant exposure to the elements with strappy sandals, flip flops and so on.
The elbows and knees can also need more attention as skin can darken and crack in that area.

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