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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Beauty Accessory Ideas

As far as accessories, a hot gift idea for a teen with a low-budget can be decorative jewelry, that doesn't necessarily have to come from Tiffany's.  There are plenty of places online where you can shop for attractive and very reasonably priced items. Believe it or not, the way you move can actually be one of the most attractive or off-putting features you have. When you can move more gracefully and assuredly, that puts out an air of confidence which will make a difference to matter what it is you are or are wearing.  Consider taking a dance lesson, enrolling in some sort of after school sport like gymnastics where you can learn more control over your balance and agility.
You may think, what does this have to do with looking good when I'm going out to a party- but once you've got grace and agility in what is referred to as your "muscle memory", it will make a difference in all areas of your life.
And lastly, I always think, especially if going out at night, that taking the time to buy pepper spray, even if it's a teeny little canister that goes on a keychain can be one of the best "accessories" you can own for your own and your loved one's peace of mind. It's probably one of those things you'll never need to use that you'll always be happy you have.


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