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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 4 of Holiday Gifts, The Efficacious World of The Epic Toy Factory !

Day 4 of Holiday Gifts, The Efficacious World
of The Epic Toy Factory !
Day 4 of Holiday Gifts Breezy takes us all to the efficacious World
of The Epic Toy Factory .. The brain child of Miss Mayah Parx The beloved Toymaker
A place of imagination and CHOCOLATE:::A full ocean to swim and play and dive within. and yes all Chocolate.Visit our main landing Dragon Island and from there after you have had your fill,go on to explore the wonders that are The Epic Toy Factory.
Now a Moment please because there is a story here .. smiles
The Epic Toy Factory is Now one year old !!!
and a full Region !!!
YaY Happy Belated Birthday Epic Toy Factory !!
Now on to The Holiday Cheer , That the darling Toy Maker Mayah is known for !!
New Gifts for giving !!! New toys for Playing ..
New Hunts to go hunting for ..
and where is all this One might think or say???
.. Why its all at the Epic Toy Factory of course
Ah nothing like a good game of Hop Scotch In any world .. Oh yes back to the blog ...
The Darling Sledge Bed, Just to much fun and very adorable !!!
oops sorry (( it really is just so much fun here ))
Yes the sledge bed is a riot .. come with cuddles and another with adult
but the one Breezy had her eye on the one that Lets you Jump and flip and twirl !!!
After a wee bit of more tumbling and....
Jumping ......
and of course many many twirlsss
Breezy took a little break to behold all the toymaker's work and creative beauty ..
Then a fun ride on the Epic Toys Merry Go Round ....
Ohh A Gingerbread House !!!
and Breezy found a gift just for her ..
(( not really for it was part of one the many on going fun hunts
The Toymaker joins in.. always a most special treat in her prizes always !!!))
Walla The perfect Christmas accessories
Thank YOU Toy Maker !!!
Ohh then like Magic The Toymaker, Miss Mayah Parx (( a darling modest and beautiful gal))
Appeared .. Like Magic breezy really did think ..
"I Believe in Fairies. Do YOU?
A mystical ball of energy who loves to chat with new and interesting people from all around the world. My passion and my home is The Epic Toy Factory...drop by sometimes we love collecting smiles :-))
No offense i don't accept anything from strangers.
safe passage...Blessed be.."
Mayah Parx
Mayah was most pleased to see little breezy after a wee bit of helping her((as she often does *grins* when they have a visit )) The Toymaker took the most beautiful
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls .. there is just so much to see and experiance
on this Now Region of The Epic Toy Factory
just to name a few ..
Snow Scenes , Oh WoW, Snow GLobe, enchantment .. Santa's Lab

Please visit this Adorable Sim and Wonderful Shop today or soon !!
Let the child in your own heart out to Play ..
To my dear Friend Mayah Parx The Beautiful Toymaker
thank You for always being kind to breezy
and for all you do give and share with all on the grid
Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year
to You and Yours ..
also a small salalite shop on market place

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