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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Seven The Luxurious House of Luminous Designs

Day Seven The Luxurious House of Luminous Designs
Day Seven of Holiday Fashion brings us to the Luxurious House of Luminous Designs 

This is the Land and World of Steamy ... ergo Steam Punk !!!
Tucked away in the Lovely Steelhead , Steeltopia
and of course Market Place

is the Marvellous Magical World of Miss Lumina Elvehjem .. Mew Mew !!!
Breezy has had her eye on this Sassy Collection for a bit .. It is One in a Series of Three
*+:.LD Lick o Rish boxed

hehehe As Breezy said Miss Lumi does Like to have fun with all ..
Breezy did nudge a wee bit for Miss Lumi to release this one ..
It is stunning !!!
*+:.LD Lick o Rish boxed

Detailed, and delicate, fun burlesque outfit, that's a study in sexy. Absolutely complete from head to toe and absolutely strip~able. Looks fantastic no matter what you do. Dances like a delicious dream.

System clothes come on all layers Prims are modifyable Shoes v2 compatible
*+:.LD Lick o Rish boxed
What ever You Ladies decide to do with this Beautiful creative ,
Breezy promises You shall have fun !!!
available in world and on Xstreet
Luminous Designs
Clothes for the Classy Brat. Victorian, Kimono, Greek/Romani, Chinese, Pirate, Fairy ..
. Male and Female! and just playful!
This location has the Gift Vendors all out for your convenience.
Next up Breezy presents *+:.LD Lil Red WolfBait
The colors are spectacular !!! The Satins Flow.
The Rich feel of the textures are Just breathtaking on this creative
Totally sexy and delicious absolutely peel-able Burlesque Ensemble. Red Riding Hood goes up and down with a simple command. Made originally for the Cookie Girl Steelhead Dance Troupe.
Prims are modify... All of it is copy
available in world and on market place see link below
Luminous Designs
Fashions for the Elegant Brat!
Most Fashions have a distinct naughty side as well as a more demure look.
This LM goes to Miss Lumi magical Main Store! Located in the highly acclaimed oriental/steampunky Shanghai sim. Fashions for men as well!
This location has the Gift Vendors all out for your conveinence.

Merry Mew Christmas Miss Lumi to You and Yours
Happy and Healthy New Year 
Thanks for Stopping by By
see ya next time :)

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