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Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Night of Dancing In the Steamlands and A New Calender from The Ladies @ NCR !!!

The Steam land Nations were all alive and quite busy For a Friday Night ..
First there was the 5th annual Snow Flake Ball
The Lady of the Sky Miss Eva Hosted once again
and The Dutches ,Gabi did an outstanding job with music for this beautiful event
Well done Ladies and thank you !!
With Attendance in the 50's ((while breezy and Rafael were there ))
all the steam nations were well represented ..
Music lovely and the company was jut Marvelous *smiles*
As breezy mentioned it was a busy evening .. In no time Breezy and The Good Doctor
had changed and were home In Seraph City .. On their way to the New Champagne Rooms
2011 Calender Release Party
Rafael just loves his New Car from
Monarch Motors The Sleek DVG 500HS Roadster in Black
The car rides like a dream even in snow and ice .. Right Rafael !!!!
always makes such a statement and just looks most Stunning in its own Right !!
Why Yes Both The Man and His Automobile ..
ah what a wonderful ride .. Thank You Dear Rafael .. and Here we are !!
Thank YOU Sir .. Shall we go in to the NCR to see our neighbors and friends
and the Fabulous NCR 2011 New Calender :)
We were welcome By The NCR Beautiful owner Miss Ahnyanka Delphin
Waves to Ceejay and Tinus :)
Miss BlakOpal looking just breathtaking
The Good Mayor of Seraph City Mr. Pumpkin
Sitting Happy On the Moon .. grins
Ah the lovely Christine and Edward ..
Behold the Wonderful NCR 2011 Calenders
with the lovely gals each displayed on the Delightful builds of Seraph City
Most Clever idea Miss Ahnya !!!!
They are now on sale on stage atm
and in the lobby of NCR
Dr. Fabre always Picks the most perfect spots to dance
On the balcony at the NCR .. smiles
Ah the end of a perfect busy evening ,
just having a quiet, peaceful,fun and upbeat conversions ..
It sure is nice Dr Fabre has his very Jazz Club
The Empire Club in Seraph City
Thank you for stopping by .. and Do visit Seraph City soon
always fun and different with builds and shops to see
ah yes the fun character to meet ...

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