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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Relay For Life of Second Life is Proud to Unveil the 2011 Logo !!

Relay For Life of Second Life is Proud to Unveil the 2011 Logo !!

Season of Hope

Relay For Life of Second Life is Proud to Unveil  the 2011 Logo !!
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall ... ALL seasons are Seasons of Hope. That is the theme of the 2011 Relay For Life of Second Life. Over the coming weeks and months you'll be seeing The Seasons of Hope image spreading out over the grid. Help us to make a difference by setting out RFL of SL event boards at your location. Have a fun and meaningful experience in Second Life so that others can have a First Life.
This new logo has been specially designed by Synergy Devonshire and Charlene Trudeau.

The 2011 Event Chairs and RFL and New 2011 Committe  
Event Chair - MamaP Beerbaum and Co-Chair Dwen Dooley  
The new 2011 committee line-up consists of:
Event Chair - MamaP Beerbaum
Event Co-Chair - Dwen Dooley
Event Day Area Chair – Nikki Mathieson
Sim and Track Design Area Chair – Charlene Trudeau
Teams and Mentors Area Chairs – Panza Eilde and PrettyKitty Gumbo)
Public Relations and Marketing Area Chairs – Poppy Zabelin and Breezy Carver
Technology and Security Area Chair – Belle Loll
Special Projects Area Chair – Katina Magic
Sponsorship Area Chair – Samara Barzane
American Cancer Society representative in Second Life - Stingray9798 Raymaker
 Be sure to check out the website 
especially the Wonderful 2010 Relay video.
In the next few weeks and Months The Information shall be plenty
Shall start with some basic here ..  for more info 
To keep up with developments go to our website
to follow The Relay For Life Blog
Also Follow Relay For Life on Twitter
@ RelayForLife SL

Here is a list of Some Key Event dates!
Please Mark Your Calenders Now !!
We have ..... *smile* More info to come ...
                   Team Registration Open--February 14, 2011
             March 12, 2011--Kick Off - to be held at Patch Thibaud Auditorium          
March 12-22-Fashion for Life
April --Fantasy Fair
May 7-13--Paint SL Purple
May 13 -22--Home Expo
May 14 and 15--Half Way There Fair
July 16-17, 2011--Relay Weekend

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