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Friday, January 14, 2011

Saturday January 15th Join Us @ The Carrington Seraph City 7pm to 9pm SLT

Seraph City- The first and finest Dieselpunk destination in SL
Welcomes all to visit this Amazing Sim and Community !!!!
Seraph City is always Hot ....

But this Saturday night,
January 15th Something a wee extra Special is going on
The Carrington 303 Main Street Seraph City

is Proud to Present
The Lady In Red Dance ..
The Carrington's First Dance of the New Year ..
Featuring The Big Sounds DJ SteelCobra Calamari
Ladies dare to wear your hottest Red Era Dress.
Gentlemen Dress to Nine ..
This is The Secret Dance Lounge @ The Carrington,
Saturday January 15th !!!!
6pm to 9pm slt
Please stop for a dance or two and Join us !!
music fun mix
from yesterday's to today's sounds that remind us of yesterday
Dress : Era Swank .. 1920s to 1930s

"The "lady in red" originally the woman that betrayed John Dillinger. John Dillinger was a notorious gangster in the 1920's and 1930's. The "lady in red" was Anna Sage (a.k.a. Ana Cumpanas). She made a deal with the police to betray Dillinger. She agreed to wear a red dress so the police could spot her. The police shot Dillinger as he was leaving the Biograph Theater in Chicago. "

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