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Friday, January 7, 2011

A Special Sale from the One and Only Peterman Ltd. Dry Goods

Ladies , Breezy has a most special Treat to share with all !!!
well those into the genre at hand .. wink !!
Let's just post the advertisements and then go on from there shall we ??

Snowflake ... Powder Blue .. White Trim .. it just Spells Breezy :)
Mrs Peterman ((Nabila Nadir)) Kudos and Hats off to YOU for this beautiful Ensemble !!! 
*Peterman Ltd. Dry Goods
Purveyor of clothing, landscaping items, and objects d'art for the 19th century enthusiast. Northwest US plants & trees featured. Oil paintings by Pacific Northwest artists. Steampunk, Victorian, Edwardian, Gaslamp, Firefly, Serenity, Western, Cowboy...Nabila Nadir......
Proprietress of Peterman Ltd. Dry Goods
Available for custum texture workat L$1000 per piece(signs, architectural, etc.) smaller signs for less.
Explorer, warrior, dancer, student, History buff (esp. military history), and sometime Costumer.
Steelhead Ambassador and Commander of the Steelhead Naval Forces
Breezy quietly visits Steelhead often, as she does own a Lighthouse tavern In the Port ..
but that is whole other blog .. smiles
This blog is all about the lovely
Peterman Ltd. Edwardian Style Snow Flake Riding coat and Matching Toque !
When one arrives to Steelhead, one is always taken by the charm of each of her Sims .
The Kindness , fun, upbeat manor of it's good Citizens !!
Indeed and the bricks .. and things that make noise and spark !!!
Just the place to make one Smile :)
Ah The Peterman Ltd. Shop !!!
It is like the special local shop that always has ,just what you were looking for ..
Perhaps did not know at the time , but when that certain " it" item catches your eye ..
and one has their own private "Ah Yes Moment" !!! how Long you have searched for just that item !!
Funny how that works in a certain place in any world .. ever notice ??
The song for this blog is by a Legend in breezy's eyes .
the creative on this blog is also by a legend in her own humble right ..
good hearted , spirited and fun !!!
She and her Partner are true top shelf characters and Kind .
Clever couple they be .. Do stop by Peterson Ltd. today,
For you shall be so glad you did ..
Just a really fun ensemble .. and very pretty too :)
twirls well also ... grins

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